Home > Bible Games > Bible Trivia > Ten Commandments Bible Quiz
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1. "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me" is which commandment?
2. "Thou shalt not commit adultery" is which commandment?
3. Which commandment tells us that we should not steal?
4. In which commandment are we told not to make any graven images?
5. We are told not to covet anything that our neighbour's have in which commandment?
6. "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" is which commandment?
7. If a person were to say to you "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" they would be referring to the _____ commandment?
8. "Honour thy father and thy mother" is which commandment?
9. "Thou shalt not kill" is the _____ commandment.
10. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy" is the _____ commandment.
11. What day is the Sabbath day?
12. In what book of the Bible will you find the Ten Commandments?
13. The commandment that states "Thou shalt not kill" is _____.
14. When we have troubles in life, we should turn to _____ for help.
15. Your neighbour's have everything in life that you ever wanted. What do you do?
16. Your a supervisor at a company and your boss is looking for some one to promote from your department. He has the choices down to two people whose only difference at work is the quality of their work. One is your best friend who does good work and the other is a person that you don't like who does great work. What do you tell your boss about them?
17. A graven image is _____?
18. When a person uses the names God, Lord or Jesus Christ and they are not praying to Them or talking to some one about Them, they are _____?
19. You found twenty dollars on the floor at work. What do you do with it?
20. Cheating on your spouse is _____?
posted 10-12-99
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